This powerful one-day course offers you the opportunity to gain outstanding guidance and support for KS1 and KS2 to use the New RAISEonline Replacement Service (ASP) and Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) effectively to improve school performance.

This course focuses on providing technical guidance for understanding and using the Key Stage 4 RAISEonline Replacement Service (ASP) and Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) to drive School Improvement.

This ASP & IDSR Course has been specifically designed to take into account the significant changes which will be seen in the 2019 Post 16 data releases and accountability measures containing 2018 data.
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Analyse school performance (ASP) update
We are pleased to announce that KS1 and Phonics data for 2017 is now available in ASP (the replaceme...
Analyse school performance (ASP) update
At the end of October 2017/first week in November, we are planning to release an updated and improve...
Analyse school performance (ASP) Update
KS2 data is now available in ASP - this is provisional data for 2016/17. CLA data is not currently a...
Analyse school performance (RAISEonline)
RAISEonline closed on 31 July 2017.
Analyse school performance (ASP) is the replacement to RAISEonl...