New Data Story Course


Creating your School Data Story will support Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, SMT, Subject leaders, SENCO’s, Year Group Teachers and Governors, in communicating your strengths and weaknesses and school improvement plans succinctly and with confidence to Ofsted during your next inspection.

This next step RAISEonline Training day helps you produce a comprehensive Data Story around your Inspection Dashboard, your RAISEonline Summary Report and online RAISEonline Reports. This new interactive RAISEonline Training session is designed for School Leadership Teams to collectively create their own Data Story through an in depth analysis of their data to evidence outstanding, distributive leadership and management in line with Ofsted expectations. This would create a collaboration of all data from multiple RAISEonline sources and would be transformed into one easy to read document around 20 pages identifying all the key information that Ofsted desire.

Throughout the day focus will be given to analysing the impact of your school improvement actions and generating your next step action plan. This is in response to your key performance indicators and strengths and weaknesses highlighted in your RAISEonline reports. Our consultant will guide you through the key areas of your Inspection Dashboard and RAISEonline reports to support you to communicate your Data Story. This will help your school demonstrate the differences you have made and the resulting impact of your school improvement actions.


Why is ‘Creating your Data Story’ training day invaluable to your school before your next Ofsted?

The key to a successful inspection is convincing Ofsted that you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the school highlighted in your Inspection Dashboard and RAISEonline reports, and that you have a plan on how to drive school improvement. They will be most interested in the positive impact of your actions, how you are sustaining and maintaining your strengths and how you are taking positive steps to improve weaknesses.

You need to evidence that the actions and strategies you have put in place to drive school improvement are having a positive impact. Once they are confident about your judgements and next step actions they will be convinced that you have the capacity to improve.

You also need to be sure your judgements and school improvement steps across each Key Stage, pupil group and subject across the board are correct. Creating your own school Data Story can help you to demonstrate this and communicate your strengths, successes and areas for development clearly and with confidence to Ofsted and all your key stakeholders.

Knowing, using and sharing your data proficiently as senior management team and across the school to drive school improvement will support the school to achieve good/outstanding leadership and management judgment.

There is never enough time during a one day Ofsted inspection to communicate all your strengths, and the positive impact of all your school improvement actions. Creating your own Data Story to share and communicate to inspectors on the day of your inspection will reinforce and evidence the excellent steps you have taken to ensure continued success and sustained improvements in addressing your key high priority development areas.

What are the benefits?

Creating your own school Data Story can provide all your key performance information and the ev
idence to prove that your school improvement actions and judgments are correct, all in one document. Creating your own school Data Story is not only evidence for Ofsted but also for your key stakeholders and Governors too, asthey need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the school and what is being done to address them.

All your key players will become knowledgeable of your schools strengths and weaknesses, next step action plan and the impact of your actions across each key stage, pupil groups and subjects. This will help you demonstrate a confident, super skilled, distributive, data literate team who are expertly using their data competently to drive forward improvement in the school.

If you have any questions, or would like to book this course, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your RAISEonline Data Story
will demonstrate and show evidence of:

•Strong data literacy leadership and management across the school.

•Distributive subject leadership and management driving school improvements across the school.

•School staff team and governors who have comprehensively analysed their data to drive school improvement in the school and all singing from the same data song sheet.

•All school stake-holders in knowledge of strengths and weaknesses across key stages, subjects, pupil groups and closing the gaps and high priority school improvement areas.

•Confidence across SMT and subject leaders in understanding and using RAISEonline data to drive school Improvement forward throughout the school.

•Comprehensive analysis of RAISEonline reports to support driving school improvements across attainment and progress across all key stages, subjects and pupil groups.

Head teachers, Deputy Headteachers, Literacy and Maths subject leaders and SENCO’s will benefit greatly from attending this course in their own school. This course will allow them to create their own Data Story from their own leadership perspectives and show evidence of the difference they have made and the impact of their actions in their leadership roles.


Agenda for Full Day Data Story Training session

RAISEonline Reports /Inspection Dashboard

Key Performance Indicators – SWOT
What difference have we made?

Actions/Strategies/IMPACT/Next steps



  • KS1 Reading, Writing, Maths
  • KS2 – Reading, Writing, Maths, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling



Progress across other years

HISTORIC Data Overview (evidencing strengths and improvements across subjects and pupil groups)


Distinctive features and Characteristics


Collaboration and Partnerships with other schools – Primary/Secondary Liaison

Staff Development

Additional Funding

School Improvement Plans 2016/17c

In-house Training Course Fee

Consultancy & Training Course Fee at Your School

For any in-house enquiries, please contact us on 0844 504 5812