ASP for Governors
ASP Training and Consultancy are leading National Governor ASP Training providers supporting Governing Bodies to understand and interpret ASP (formerly RAISEonline) Reports to drive School Improvement and fulfil Governor Responsibilities since 2006.
Our excellent ASP Governor training session is your opportunity to gain outstanding guidance and advice to support your Governing Body to interpret and fully understand your ASP Report and demonstrate Good/Outstanding Governance
We can support your Governing Body to:
• Drive school improvement by challenging your school and being a critical friend in a supportive way to raise standards
• Help you to make accurate judgements relating to ASP data to raise attainment and progress levels
• Understand your strengths, weaknesses, areas for development and trends across subjects, key stages and pupil groups across attainment and progress
The New OFSTED Framework places increasing emphasis on Leadership and Management and Effective Governance
“Most commonly, the governing body knew too little about the school because monitoring was not rigorous or because over-generous self-review judgements were accepted without sufficient challenge: at times of change and in an inherently challenging sector, they accepted too much on trust’’
Are you confident you are a high performing Governing Body with rigorous data management self – evaluation procedures in place?
Can you demonstrate ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Governance?
You will be aware that many of the ASP Reports are now highlighted for Governors attention. We are aware that Governors may not have a statistical background, and lack the essential data interpretation skills and understanding required to support school improvement and fulfil the Governance expectations required by OFSTED to achieve ‘outstanding’ governance.
The Governing Body must be seen to be making an IMPACT. We can help you fulfil this responsibility.
Being experts and leaders in ASP Governor Training we support Governing Bodies Nationally with ASP Data Interpretation on a regular basis in schools and across 20 training venues across the country.
What you will learn
Our ASP Training sessions aim to support Governors in:
• Understanding how to read and interpret ASP school performance and progress data.
• Using ASP data to support and challenge your school to drive school improvement and achieve ‘outstanding’ governance
• Supporting ASP Summary Report Self – Evaluation (SWOT analysis) linked to 2014 Ofsted Models of Governor Excellence
Following the ASP Governor Training you will fully understand:
• ASP Contextual information
• Absence and exclusions data
• Prior attainment data
• Attainment measures
• Progress measures
• Closing gaps
This essential Governor training will also support you in:
• Identifying vulnerable groups and underperformance in your school
• Identifying underachievement and exploring strategies for driving improvement
Other benefits include understanding relating to:
• Questions governors need to ask about the ASP report
• Identifying barriers to securing a Good/Outstanding Governor judgement
• Governor Roles and Responsibilities – excellent policy and practice
• Investigating School Improvement requirements and expectations
• Key Performance Indicators demonstrating Governor excellence in Data Interpretation in line with New OFSTED Framework criteria
• Best Governor Policy, Practice and strategies driving school improvement Nationally
Governor ASP Training courses are delivered at your school or Governors can attend one of our National ASP Governor Training courses taking place at one of our National Training venues.
Following attendance on the National Governor ASP Training course, you will be provided access to a National Governor Training Bank of Resources providing invaluable Governor resources, support and guidance to help you positively impact on the Overall Effectiveness of your school
The NEW ASP Governor Training Course focuses on ‘outstanding’ Governance, policy, practice and strategies effectively Driving School Improvement across Infant, Primary and Secondary Schools Nationally
To help you provide strategic leadership the ASP Governor Training will help you:
• To support the Headteacher to give clear educational direction
• Establish clear expectations, aims, value and ethos of for the school
• Influence the development of the school
• Support the raising of standards
• Promote effective teaching and learning
• Review Governor Policies
• Monitor, Evaluate and Review school improvement
Following the National Governor ASP Training Course you will understand:
• How to become a high performing Governing Body
• How to demonstrate Good or Outstanding Governance
• Reasons why many schools are judged as Requiring Improvement
• Reasons why schools are at risk of being judged as a Governing Body requiring improvement
• Requirements and Responsibilities of Governors in the New OFSTED Framework
• OFSTED Grade descriptors for Good and Outstanding schools and Governing Bodies
• Understand your ASP Report to know how well your school is doing
• Know your school’s strengths and weaknesses and areas for development
• Understand your schools ASP Summary Report well enough to support Governing monitoring, School Improvement and School Evaluations
• Know how to evidence ‘Outstanding’ Governance
All National ASP Governor Trainings are based on latest DfE and OFSTED expectations and latest research relating to best policy, practice, initiatives and developments across Schools and Governing Bodies Nationally.
This year, we have seen the New OFSTED Framework placing increasing emphasis on Leadership and Management and Effective Governance
• schools will only be deemed to be providing an acceptable standard of education where they are judged to be ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’
• a single judgement of ‘requires improvement’ will replace the current ‘satisfactory’ judgement and ‘notice to improve’ category
The Governing body must be seen to be making an impact
Many Governing Bodies are not reaching Good/Outstanding judgements and being judged as Requiring Improvement for reasons such as:
“Most commonly, the governing body knew too little about the school because monitoring was not rigorous or because over-generous self-review judgements were accepted without sufficient challenge: at times of change and in an inherently challenging sector, they accepted too much on trust.”
The NEW ASP Governor Training Course focuses on ‘outstanding’ Governance, policy, practice and strategies effectively Driving School Improvement across Infant, Primary and Secondary Schools Nationally
To provide strategic leadership, Governors should:
Support the Headteacher to give clear educational direction
• Establish clear expectations, aims, value and ethos of for the school
• Influence the development of the school
• Support the raising of standards
• promote effective teaching and learning
• Review Policies
• Monitor, Evaluate and Review
Are you confident you are a high performing Governing Body?
Can you demonstrate you are a Good or Outstanding Governance?
Do you know the reasons why many schools are judged as Requiring Improvement?
Are you at risk of being judged as a Governing Body requiring improvement?
Do you know what is required of Governors in the New OFSTED Framework from September 2012?
Are you aware and understand the OFSTED Grade descriptors for Good and Outstanding schools and Governing Bodies?
Are you as a Governing Body confident you know how well your school is doing?
Do you know your school’s strengths and weaknesses and areas for development?
Do you understand your schools ASP Summary Report well enough to support Governing monitoring, School Improvement and School Evaluations?
Do you know how to evidence ‘Outstanding’ Governance?
This excellent Governor training session is your opportunity to gain outstanding guidance and advice to support your Governing Body to demonstrate Good/Outstanding Governance
Based on latest research relating to best practice, initiatives and developments across Governing Bodies Nationally
Evidencing Good/Outstanding Governance training will support Governors to:
• understand the Key Roles of Governors in relation to the New Ofsted Framework. What defines ‘outstanding’ governance?
• advise your Governing Body in ways to monitor and support school improvement
• explore the benefits of best practice strategies across ‘outstanding’ school Governing Bodies Nationally
• share the excellent Governor resources available to support Governor monitoring, evaluation and review
• understand your schools ASP Summary Report to help your school raise attainment and accelerate rates of progress
• build up a bank of evidence to demonstrate ‘outstanding’ Governance?
• support you to drive school improvement by challenging your school and being a critical friend in a supportive way to raise standards
• help you to make accurate judgements relating to ASP data literacy to raise attainment and progress
• provide invaluable support and guidance on building an excellent bank of Governor resources to Impact on the Overall Effectiveness of your school
The Evidencing Good/Outstanding Governance training will also support you to be fully prepared for the New OFSTED Framework Inspections
Course Fee at Your Location
Consultancy & Training Course Will Take Place at Your School
For any in-house enquiries, please contact us on 0844 504 5812.
Cluster of Schools
Many schools request a whole day training, combining ASP Interactive for school staff 9 am to 3pm following ASP Training for Governors 3.30pm – 5.30pm.
Combining ASP Training with the NEW ASP Governor Training Course is also an excellent combination supporting schools Nationally to ensure school Governing Bodies understand their school ASP Summary Report, fulfil their Leadership and Management responsibilities and support School Evaluation and Improvement.
Should you wish to take advantage of this option to ensure you benefit from developing a data literate Leadership and Management team and Governing Body on the same day please contact us to request this option.
Alternatively, contact us by telephone/email to speak to one of our Senior School Improvement Consultants to discuss your school’s needs and options and request a Personalised School Improvement Training package.
National ASP Governor Training Agenda
• Key role of Governors – New Ofsted Framework
• Effective Governing Bodies – New Ofsted grade descriptors
• New Ofsted Framework Reports – Outstanding, Good, Requiring Improvement, Inadequate
• How well do you know your school?
• Introduction to ASP
• Understanding the ASP Inspection Dashboard to support Governor monitoring, School Improvement and School Evaluations – SWOT Analysis
• Demonstrating ‘Outstanding’ Governance
This excellent training session provides an opportunity to gain excellence guidance and advice to support Effective Governance in your school.
You can book the NEW National ASP Governor Training Course half-day training course for your school or alternatively choose to combine this new course with a school or cluster-based ASP Training course
About Us
Since 2006, we have specialised in ASP (formerly RAISEonline Training) for all schools and local authorities to analyse your school’s performance and progress data with your colleagues.
Our mission is to provide quality and multifaceted consultancy in education and training in Early Years settings, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Church Schools and Independent Schools.
ASP training and consultancy sessions can be personalised to support the professional development needs of your school team and offer consultancy support to Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, Senior Management Teams, Subject Leaders, SENCO’s, Gifted and Talented Leaders, Class teachers, Newly Qualified Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Governors.
We are here to support you with using tools such as ASP, Ofsted IDSR’s, Excel, FFT and MIS Systems as well as provide guidance for Governing Bodies, creating your school’s data story, EYFS, SEN, Gifted and Talented, Leadership and Management, School Improvement and Ofsted Preparation.
You can select your audience – Training can be 1:1 for Headteachers and Deputies, for particular focus groups or whole staff teams.
Consultancy & Training
ASP & IDSR Primary
ASP & IDSR Secondary
ASP & IDSR Post 16
Microsoft Excel
Pivot Tables
Excel Charts
Excel VBA Introduction
Power BI
Introduction 1 Day
Introduction 2 Days
Intermediate 2 Days
Advanced 2 Days
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Sharepoint – End User
Booking Form
If you would like to book a course or find out more about our bespoke training, please fill the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please contact us on 0207 183 8357, option 5.
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