What you will get
Let us help you – our experts can interpret and analyse your reports for you.
Have your RAISEonline (ROL) / Fischer Family Trust (FFT) Reports analysed by our Senior Consultants to help raise attainment and achievement levels in your school.
Data Management, Data Analysis and Evidence Based Leadership are becoming increasingly important in schools. Understanding and interpreting your RAISEONLINE and FISCHER FAMILY TRUST REPORTS can significantly support you to raise levels of attainment and achievement in your school.
RAISEonline & Fischer Family Trust Training and Consultancy can offer excellent guidance and a full analysis of your report to help you understand and interpret and analyse your ROL/FFT reports for improving school performance.
We will interpret and analyse your ROL/FFT Reports for you – your reports will be analysed by our expert consultants and you will be provided with a comprehensive detailed report to share with your school stakeholders in the school.
The comprehensive analysis and interpretation of your school ROL/FFT school report will:
• give you the confidence to use your data effectively to support future school improvements and help you to set high priority steps to raising attainment and achievement levels,
• ensure you have a thorough understanding of your strengths and weaknesses at whole school, key stage, pupil group and individual pupil level,
• support school leaders and governors to have full confidence with their interpretation and analysis of their ROL/FFT school data to support school improvement and raise standards.
Should you wish to discuss this option further a free consultation is available for you to discuss your RAISEONLINE and FISCHER FAMILY TRUST comprehensive Interpretation and Analysis Report and to personalise your school options.
RING NOW: 0844 504 5812 or email: info@raiseonlinetraining.co.uk
WHY is analysing your RAISEonline Report so important?
When Ofsted visit your school they will wish to see evidence relating to your understanding of your 2014/15 RAISEonline Summary Report and your drive to raise Attainment and VA measures in your school across subjects and pupil groups.
When judging achievement, inspectors must have regard for pupils’ starting points and age, and the progress that the lowest attaining pupils are making.
OFSTED will also look for evidence relating to:
• the proportion of pupils making and exceeding expected progress is high compared with national figures
• pupils making rapid and sustained progress across many subjects, including English and mathematics
• the learning, quality of work and progress of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, those who have special educational needs and those for whom the pupil premium provides support, show that they achieve exceptionally well
• where the proportion making expected progress overall is lower than that found nationally, it is improving over a sustained period
• the school takes effective action to enable most pupils, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, to reach their potential.
• the standards of attainment of almost all groups of pupils are likely to be at least in line with national averages, with many pupils attaining above this.
The NEW FULL DAY RAISEonline Training will help you Understand, Interpret and Analyse your 2014/15 RAISEonline Report to support you to become Data Literate Leaders and meet the New 2014/15 OFSTED expectations and provide quality evidence to support your school evaluations and school improvement.
This Full day RAISEonline training opportunity will also support you to become a Good/Outstanding school, well prepared for OFSTED by helping you:
• ensure your VA scores for all pupils reach 100 (primaries) / 1000 secondaries) for all pupils/pupil groups in your school
• analyse your school progress across the school
• help you to ensure your school interventions have great, positive impact across all pupils and pupil groups in your school
The RAISEonline Training will also provide you with the tools, knowledge and expertise to calculate your own pupil/school value added scores quickly and easily.
Throughout the training session you will complete a full analysis of your RAISEonline Summary Report and complete a next step action plan in response to your RAISEonline data.
English and Maths leaders, SENCo’s and Gifted and Talented leaders will have the opportunity to develop Subject based action plans in relation to their subject responsibilities and subject based data. This also ensures an analysis of trends across a 3 year period.
Senior Management Teams/Data Managers will have the opportunity to put together a RAISEonline 2014/15 booklet summarising key RAISEonline data information relevant for sharing with school stakeholders and OFSTED.
We are the only National Training Company offering Interactive RAISEonline Training linked to School Improvement, Leadership and Management and the New Ofsted Framework across schools Nationally.
The RAISEonline Training combines Interactive guidance and support navigating your way through RAISEonline site features and functions to enable you to make best effective use of your data in supporting school evaluation and school improvement.
Course Fee at Training Locations
Consultancy & Training Course Will Take Place at Your School
For any in-house enquiries, please contact us on 0844 504 5812.
Cluster of Schools
Many schools request a whole day training, combining RAISEonline Interactive training in the morning with FISCHER FAMILY TRUST training or one of our other RAISEonline Training Courses in the afternoon (view our electronic brochure for details of FFT Training and other RAISEonline Training courses www.raiseonlinetraining.co.uk)
Combining RAISEonline Training with the NEW RAISEonline Governor Training Course is also an excellent combination supporting schools Nationally to ensure school Governing Bodies understand their school RAISEonline Summary Report, fulfil their Leadership and Management responsibilities and support School Evaluation and Improvement.
Alternatively contact us by telephone/email to speak to one of our Senior School Improvement Consultants to discuss your schools needs and options and request a Personalised School Improvement Training package.
National RAISEonline Governor Training Agenda
We specialise in RAISEonline and Fischer Family Trust Consultancy and Training for all schools and local authorities, analysing your school’s performance and progress data together with your staff since 2006.
Our mission is to provide quality and multifaceted consultancy in education and training in Early Years settings, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Church Schools and Independent Schools.
RAISEonline training and consultancy sessions can be personalised to support the professional development needs of your school team and offer consultancy support to: Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, Senior Management Teams, Subject Leaders, SENCO’s, Gifted and Talented Leaders, Class teachers, Newly Qualified Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Governors.
You can select your audience – Training can be 1:1 for Head teachers and Deputies, for particular focus groups or whole staff teams.
Consultancy & Training
Life After RAISE
RAISEonline Consultancy and Training
Data Story Course
Fischer Family Trust Consultancy and Training
School Improvement Consultancy & Training
Data Interpretation Training for Governors
Preparing for OFSTED Consultancy & Training
Early Years Foundation Stage & eProfile
SEN Consultancy and Training
Gifted and Talented Consultancy and Training
Comprehensive Interpretation and Analysis of your ROL / FFT reports
Leadership and Management Consultancy and Training