ASSET for Post-16 Schools and Colleges
Post 16 has so many different subjects with different point scores. The Post16 Value-added calculation is extremely complex with the technical guidance stretching across 105 pages.
Our knowledgeable and expert team have successfully broken down the whole calculation and have worked with the developers to ensure that when you upload your data, you receive the Post16 Value-added calculations for each and every pupil.
ASSET can be used to create targets to achieve Zero or Sig + targets.
You can input your target grades to identify and ASSET will tell you for each pupil and each subject whether they are
making progress.
Within minutes, you can view your strengths & weaknesses
as well as a dashboard that identifies and breaks down your
value-added calculation by;
- Gender
- Disadvantaged
- Subject Type
- Academic A-level
- Academic AS-level
- Applied General
- Prior Attainment
Contextual and Destinations
You can input your contextual and destinations data for beautifully displayed charts and graphs for analysis which you can share with stakeholders.
ASSET for Secondary Schools
ASSET for Secondary Schools is designed to support you with analysing your current pupils.
Your secondary school can use ASSET to identify strengths and weaknesses across schools, pupils, pupil groups.
Comparison and Analysis
ASSET for Secondary Schools uniquely provides like-for-like
comparisons and analysis across;
- School types
- Subjects
- Disadvantaged pupils
The software is designed to enable you to quickly and easily identify;
- Underachieving
- High ability
- Gaps
Available Reports
Many of the reports available within ASSET use the same methodology as the Government.
The reports are easy to read, colourful and engaging so ideal for stakeholders. Within minutes,
using current pupils’ data, you can produce multiple data sets.
- Inspection Data Summary Report
- School Performance Analysis Report
- School Summary & Governors Report
- School and Pupil Progress & Attainment 8 Analysis
- Scatterplots
- Individual Pupil Report
- Pupils Targets to Zero or Sig +
- Like-for-Like Subject Comparison & Pupil Groups
- Transition Matrices
- Subject Progress Report
- Subject Analysis by Class
- …and More

Enabled the inspectors to validate the good to outstanding progress
ASSET for Primary Schools
ASSET use the same methodology as the DfE and can be used to
instantly calculate whether your pupils have reached Zero or Sig
+ Progress.
When using ASSET, you will instantly have access to:
- School and Pupil Groups Strength and Weaknesses
- Progress by pupil groups through confidence intervals
- Interactive Scatterplots
Attainment Groups
The software produces a dashboard that breaks down Low, Middle and High Attainment and identifies the progress
of each subjects for:
- All pupils’
- Disadvantaged pupils’
- Other
- Reaching expected Progress
- Exceed expected Progress
The dashboard has a specific focus on SEN pupils’ progress breaking down the Low, Middle and High Attainment allowing progress comparison for SEN with EHC/Statement, SEN Support and No SEN.
Trend Analysis
A breakdown and four-year trend analysis of all pupils, FSM, Gender and
SEN is available for your EYFS and Phonics data.
You can input your absence, exclusions and contextual data to analyse and
identify trends over time.
The charts, graphs and tables are easy-to-read, colourful and engaging making it valuable to all stakeholders.
Reporting is available by using age-related expectations.
Why do I need ASSET?
Advanced Statistical Software Evaluation Tool for School Improvement
Do you want to ensure that the targets you set for your students are high enough to achieve Zero or significantly above the National Average for your school?
If you set your targets based on Fischer Family Trust type D, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your progress will be significantly above the national average.
By using ASSET for Schools you will also be able to:
• Evaluate pupils’ learning and progress relative to their starting points at particular ages and combine to any assessment measures held in the school
• Evaluate the progress of pupils who have received intervention and/or additional support
• Evaluate the progress of any pupils who have joined the school at times other than the usual transfer times
• Measure levels of progress against national thresholds
When using the ASSET for Schools, you will be able to check whether the targets you have set for each pupil will ensure your school in-year progress measure becomes significantly above or in line with the national average.
ASSET will also show if the targets you set are significantly above, below or in line with National averages when compared to RAISEonline national data.
The ASSET for Schools will support your school to calculate your current EYFS to Year 13 progress and attainment scores for each subjects quickly and very easily.
Are you a Headteacher/Principal or senior leadership team and you would like an in-year RAISE style report based on your pupils:
ASSET is a data management information system that produces live reports for any specific group in the same style as the Inspection Dashboard or Summary Report which can then be used for evidencing progress and achievement of pupils with Ofsted. Ofsted is interested in what the school has done for pupils over time (Progress and Attainment) and what is being done to address any identified issues. ASSET for Schools will enable you to demonstrate to Ofsted how well you are helping your pupils make progress and fulfil their potential and the impact for those especially those who require additional support, challenge and intervention.
• ensure your targets for all pupils are stretching and challenging
• know which pupils are unlikely to achieve
• know potential strengths and weaknesses across a range of indicators across subjects and pupil groups in your school
• know which pupils in your school are at risk of underperformance
• use your ASSET Data to trigger intervention support
• help you to ensure your school interventions have a great impact on all pupils and across pupil groups in your school
Does your school use ASSET Zero or Sig + Targets?
Would you like to use it even more effectively to aid school improvement?
Progress Targets
When using the ASSET for Schools, you will be able to check whether the targets you have set for each pupil will ensure your school progress measure becomes significantly above or in line with the national average. It will also show if the targets you set are significantly above, below or in line with National averages when compared to RAISEonline national data.
The ASSET for Schools will calculate your current Year 3 to Year 13 progress and attainment quickly and easily.
Consultancy & Training
ASP & IDSR Primary
ASP & IDSR Secondary
ASP & IDSR Post 16
Microsoft Excel
Pivot Tables
Excel Charts
Excel VBA Introduction
Power BI
Introduction 1 Day
Introduction 2 Days
Intermediate 2 Days
Advanced 2 Days
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Sharepoint – End User
Booking Form
If you would like to book a course or find out more about our bespoke training, please fill the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please contact us on 0207 183 8357, option 5.
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